Den Helder, Netherlands

DHA has joined the DIOL project.

Den Helder Airport has joined DIOL (Develop Innovative Offshore Logistic) since April 2023. The approved plan consists of adapting parts of one of our hangars for use for advanced air mobility (AAM) and upgrading the electricity grid and installing charging infrastructure for AAM on our apron. Furthermore, revitalization of the NSHA network has been included to enable the development of routes between the major offshore cities for AAM.

DIOL embraces the vision set out in Directive 2018/2001 and supports the Esbjerg Declaration on the North Sea as Europe’s Green Power Plant (NS GPPoE). This declaration, signed by the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands at the North Sea Summit in Esbjerg on 18/05/2022, forms the basis for our concrete actions.

DIOL plays a pivotal role in facilitating the development of an offshore renewable energy system that will connect these four countries and France. In DIOL, we acknowledeg the significance of establishing the necessary logistics infrastructure to ensure the success of multiple interconnected offshore RE projects and hubs.

With the ambitious goal of delivering at least 65GW of offshore wind power by 2030, 150GW by 2050 and 20GW production capacity of green hydrogen by 2030, it is both urgent and critical to support the core infrastructure providers impacted by these objectives.

To accelerate the expansion process, DIOL spearheads a forward-looking and resilient logistic chain. We prioritize innovation within the framework of a transnational coordinated effort. Our collaboration focuses on testing sustainable and efficient logistics solutions for offshore transfer and services. These solutions support the preparation and operations and maintenance (O&M) of the NS GPPoE, as well as the planned artificial energy islands.


Key Goals:

  • Develop a transnational, resilient logistics chain to support the targets of 65GW offshore wind by 2030 and 150GW by 2050, along with 20GW green hydrogen production by 2030.
  • Enhance the infrastructure of vital hubs to accommodate next-gen offshore vessels and structures.
  • Define technical, legal and business requirements for port and airport upgrades to meet objectives.
  • Ensuring the security of renewable energy supply and infrastructure through innovative technologies such as smart drones, fences, robots and AI.



DIOL will deliver 8 pilot actions and solutions, and 3 roadmaps, allowing approx. 195 organizations to fortify their readiness for the green energy transition in the North Sea Basin.

The project will help set in motion the logistics required to develop the foreseen offshore renewable energy system connecting the 4 Countries as well as France by implementing green pilots and measures in concerned ports and airports.

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